
DSC_5636Gail Thynes, my last name is pronounced “teenus” and rhymes with venus. I’m a UX Designer in the Seattle area with a passion for product development.

I believe that good UX design pays for itself. User centered design is an intelligent business strategy.  Integrating the user with the design process eliminates barriers to the them achieving their goals and creates seamless user experiences, even for complex tasks.

When I merchandised products in the field, I would gain valuable insights from customers about their experience with our products. However, I wasn’t in a position to influence the design and channels to the teams who did were non-existent.  I yearned to communicate these needs and help improve our products.  As a UX Designer I get to be the direct link between users and design. My goal is to leverage my professional experience and newly acquired user experience skills to elevate customer experiences. IMG_2127

In my spare time I like to trot around the globe, and scoot around the city.  I can often be found on a yoga mat, in the mountains, or reading some delicious new fiction.